Circuit Prayer Diary 2022/23 – Day Twenty Eight
by admin · Published · Updated
Praying with: World Methodism
The United Methodist Central and Southern Europe Central Conference
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
Praying with: Our Districts
Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury District
Praying for the Methodist Diaconate Order
Warden: Deacon Karen McBride Deputy Warden: Deacon Ruth Ritchie Deacons in this District: Deacon Angie Allport Deacon Sheralee Devitt Deacon Rita Jakeman Deacon Linda Kinchenton Deacon Malcolm Knowles Deacon Vera Pearson Deacon Jacqueline Esama-John We pray for the continuing work of the Diaconal Order: For the continued diaconal ministry within the churches, circuits and districts of the Methodist Church of Great Britain; for the Warden, Deputy Warden and the Leadership Group; for all deacons in active ministry as well as those who are supernumerary Deacons; for the probationary and student deacons as they continue to test their call; for the deacons who have moved circuits this year; and for the work within The Connexion that the Methodist Diaconal Order embodies. Eternal God, you are the source of all life, the fount of all wisdom, the wellspring of all grace. Your days are without end, your loving mercies without number. We depend on you and remember your goodness to us, and to those who have gone before. Your story has been told in every generation: The Lord Jesus Christ lived among us, full of grace and truth, revealing your tender mercy; he healed the sick, comforted the broken and lost. In humility, he washed the feet of his disciples, calling us to follow his example as one who serves. You are our God, ahead of us, leading us, guiding us and calling us; you are the Lord God, the all-wise, the all-compassionate. And we lift our hearts in worship today and for ever. We give thanks for those who have heard your call to diaconal ministry and their dedication and commitment to their calling and to the Methodist Diaconal Order. Creator God, as with all your creation, we offer you the life of this day. Give us grace to love and serve you to the praise of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen. Verse of the day