We are the Methodist People of Mid-Hertfordshire
The Mission of the St Albans & Welwyn Circuit is to reveal the Kingdom of God through the Methodist people and their ecumenical partners across central Hertfordshire. We aim to do this through the Holy Spirit in the worship of God, building up the church, making disciples of Jesus Christ and transforming society by working for justice, peace and unity.
From the Superintendent
From our Superintendent Minister.. January / February 2025
Dear Friends,
As we embark on the journey of a brand-new year—2025—I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the opportunities that lie ahead for us as a community of faith. At this time of year, we immerse ourselves in one of the most cherished traditions within Methodism: our Annual Covenant Services, which we will be conducting across our nine churches throughout January and February.
I am thrilled to see our Methodist community thriving globally, with around 184 million Methodists worldwide – a true testament to the impact of our faith. Our Annual Covenant Service is a significant part of this journey, tracing its roots back to the very foundations laid by John Wesley. He encouraged Methodists to make an annual recommitment to God—an act of reaffirmation of our faith and a promise to actively serve Him in the world around us.
Participating in the Covenant Service invites each of us to reflect on our faith journeys, to examine our spiritual growth, and to challenge ourselves to step outside the comfort zones we may have established. It’s a moment of profound introspection, prompting us to reassess our patterns of worship and service. For many Christians—not solely Methodists—the Covenant Service is an essential ritual; some of us feel that the year simply cannot begin without it.
I recognise that for some, including myself in the past, there may be a sense of reluctance or apprehension about participating in this service. The weight of its demands can feel daunting, breeding a sense of trepidation as we approach this sacred time. But it’s okay to feel this way! We are about to declare a profound commitment: “We are no longer our own but yours.” This declaration requires us to be open to the surprising and sometimes challenging call of God as we strive to be co-workers in His creation, inviting us to step beyond our comfort zones.
If our church is to be a lasting congregation of God’s people, we must keep our faith vibrant and continually recommit ourselves to Christ. Let the words of the Covenant Service be our prayer:
“Lord, make me what you will. I put myself fully into your hands. Put me to doing, put me suffering; let me be employed for you or laid aside for you. Let me be full. Let me be empty. Let me have all things. Let me have nothing. I freely and willingly give it all to your pleasure and disposal.”
Let us remain steadfast in our commitment to Christ, loving and obeying Him with all our hearts. In the spirit of King Josiah (2 Kings 23), let us renew our covenant with God, casting aside any idols in our hearts and living as cross-bearing, self-denying lovers of God.
Whatever God has in store for us, He promises to accompany us and provide us with the grace we need to serve Him faithfully. Therefore, let us approach this time with confidence and hope, embracing the opportunity to renew our covenant with God.
Together, we profess, “We are no longer our own but yours.”
Wishing you all a joyful and blessed New Year!
In Christ’s love,
David Jebb – Superintendent Minister
Join In
Saturday Morning Prayers
Join us on Zoom for our Circuit Prayer groupat 9am every Saturday morning.
Start your weekend in a powerful way by joining our online prayer gathering. All are welcome, just click the button below for the Zoom link. Meeting ID: 997 3752 5318
Passcode: 251590
The Methodist Reporter
Discover what is happening in our Circuit Churches.
The Monthly magazine of the St Albans and Welwyn Circuit
Who is Preaching Where
The planned preachers at each of the Circuit’s churches.
Click on the links below to see the details
Written Services
The Circuit produces a written service each week for those who are housebound. It is also emailed to those on Church circulation lists.
An on-line version with hymns added is published here
Please click here to access this week’s service and some archive services.