Safeguarding concerns – points to remember
What to do if you have concerns about possible abuse
- Consult the person to whom you are responsible
- Decide together whether to seek advice or make and immediate referral
- Keep a record of what happened, your concerns and actions
- Tell your minister and/or safeguarding officer
- Only tell others who need to know
Responding to a child, young person, parent or other adult who shares with you about abuse
- Never promise to keep a secret
- React calmly; be aware of your non-verbal messages
- Don’t stop someone who is talking freely about what has happened
- Don’t ask leading questions
- Reassure the person they have done the right thing by telling you
- Avoid making comments or judgements
- Tell the person what will happen next
- Record using the person’s own words and noting any important dates and times
- Report to the person to whom you are responsible, your minister and/or safeguarding representative
- Treat everyone with respect , setting a positive example
- Respect people’s personal space
- Ensure your actions cannot be misinterpreted
- Challenge unacceptable behaviour in a constructive way
- Do not put yourself or other people in vulnerable situations
- Do not have inappropriate physical contact with others
- Always share safeguarding concerns