Circuit Prayer Diary 2022/23 – Day Three
by admin · Published · Updated
Methodist Prayer Handbook
Praying with: World Methodism
West Africa
Cote d’Ivoire
Praying with: Our Districts
South East District
Irish Connexional Team
Praying with Local Preachers and Worship Leaders
For the ministry and service of our Local Preachers and Worship Leaders, for all those in training, as they study and learn, and for their tutors and mentors.
May all who preach and lead worship be filled with the Holy Spirit and made bold in proclaiming God’s truth and faithful in living out their calling.
For all who prepare and lead our services, that they may be inspired, affirmed and strengthened as they gather together the elements which make up their act of worship. May they be encouraged in what they say and do for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Lord you called the Disciples to follow you, you continue to call to us today. You have a place for each of us in your service. We pray for those who you are calling to be Local Preachers and worship leaders. Help them discern your call and answer it. Let the training required be both a positive challenge to them, to equip themselves to serve and also a personal sacrifice, offered to you in response to the wonder of their calling to that precious task of helping your people to worship you.