Author: admin


Circuit Service for 21st July 2024

Worship at home – Rev Daniel Yovan Hymn 317 At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow Prayer Compassionate God, from far and near you gather your Church into one. Safeguard the unity...

Preaching Plan – June 2024 0

Preaching Plan – June 2024

    Time 2nd June Ordinary Time Bible Month 9th June MHA Sunday Bible Month 16th June Ordinary time Bible Month 23rd June Sanctuary Sunday Bible Month   30rd June Methodist Conference Sunday Bible...

Preaching Plan – July 2024 0

Preaching Plan – July 2024

  Time 7th July Ordinary Time 14th July Action for Children Sunday 21st July Ordinary Time 28th July Ordinary Time Marlborough Road, St Albans 9am 10:30am United at HRMC(s) M Tinsley X D Yovan...

Preaching Plan – August 2024 0

Preaching Plan – August 2024

  Time 4th August Ordinary time Circuit Service at Birchwood 3pm 11th August Ordinary time 18th August Ordinary time 25th August Ordinary time Marlborough Road, St Albans    9am 10:30am United at HRMC(s) S...