Circuit Prayer Diary 2022/23 – Day Six
by admin · Published · Updated
Methodist Prayer Handbook
Praying with: World Methodism
Southern Africa
South Africa
Praying with: Our Districts
Bolton and Rochdale
Praying with Shenley Methodist Church
Presbyter: Revd David Jebb
Senior Steward: Yvonne Perry
Dear Lord, we give you thanks for the faithful Christian community in Shenley.
Help the congregation to gain strength and inspiration from each other and through the ecumenical partnerships that exist. We particularly pray for the success of the monthly Messy Church services held jointly with St Martin’s Church. We rejoice that we have been able to sustain a valued presence in the village and give thanks for the support that the Circuit provides to make this possible.
We pray that the congregation will continue to have the courage to share your joy and hope beyond its four walls, and thank you for the blessings its members find in you and one another. We pray for the small Sunday School, for the monthly Café Service and the various outreach events that take place throughout the year. Amen.