Circuit Prayer Diary 2022/23 – Day Twenty-Four
by admin ·
Praying with: World Methodism
United Church of the Solomon Islands
United Church in Papua New Guinea
Praying with: Our Districts
Plymouth and Exeter District
Prayer for All We Can (Previously Methodist Relief and Development Fund)
All We Can is an independent charity that has its roots in the British Methodist Church. It continues to help people to find solutions to poverty and become all that they can, by investing in partnerships that improve quality of life and create positive, long-term change in some of the world's poorest communities. In 2015/16 'All We Can' supported 20 partner organisations in 9 countries to improve the lives of 579,821 poor and marginalised people, and responded to humanitarian crises in 8 countries, helping thousands of people receive emergency food, medicine, shelter or psychosocial support. The statistics are only half the story - Behind the numbers are stories of great personal fortitude, faith and hope within resilient communities. Lord, we pray for the work of 'All We Can' For those who work for the Charity as advocates and support workers. For partner organisations and the people receiving support and assistance. And for a world where poverty is banished and all can live freely, sufficiently and happily. Lord, may we respond by faith to what we hear, and use our mouths to share who you are. May we tell of your good deeds and love, and inspire faith in those around us. Help us to have compassion for those in need, and respond in love with acts of generosity, Through Jesus Christ your Son who taught us this was the way of your kingdom. Amen. Verse of the day