Vocations Sunday this year is on 7 May. Which happens to be on the same weekend as the coronation of King Charles III. Very likely, he too will be thinking about his vocation.
The lectionary readings this year invite us to consider that our vocations do not happen in isolation, but as part of work that God has done and is doing. The writers of the 2023 Vocations worship materials ask: “As we see Charles III building on that which has come before, we ask, What are we called to do which builds on what God has done before in our communities?”
The materials (available in English and Welsh) offer a whole service outline, with an all-age talk, a sermon, prayers and, of course, hymn suggestions. This content might act as launch pad for one’s own reflections, or could be used as it is, as a local arrangement.
In our last newsletter we said that Methodist Homes Sunday will fall on 2 June this year. The correct date is Sunday 11 June.
Neither male nor female
Ruth Yorke, a member of StF’s Reference Group, has been considering the use of language in our hymn singing in the light of her experience as a minister in Birmingham. She says she has become increasingly conscious of how binary (male/female) our worship language is, and asks what we can do about it.
“It is true to the intentions of hymns to make the language more inclusive as we sing. The written word cannot keep up with changes in language and understanding, but we can honour the inclusive intention, and our inclusive God, by singing words which include everyone.”
Read Ruth’s reflections. And why not explore more of our StF articles, on topics ranging from best Easter hymns and hymns about Jesus’ ministry to national saints and featured hymn writers.
We love your pre-loved StFs
The Connexional Team and the Book Depository at Englesea Brook are setting up a recycling scheme enabling copies of The Methodist Worship Book and Singing the Faith that are surplus to requirements – for example when a chapel is closing – to be resold.
This will help to support the Methodist Church’s commitment to Net Zero, and a proportion of the income from the sale of books will go to the Mission in Britain Fund to support the work of the Church. If you know of any books which need a new home, for now please contact the publishing team at publishing@methodistchurch.org.uk.
52 ways to pray
Do you find prayer difficult, boring and frustrating? Or creative, life-giving and transformational?
A set of new Methodist prayer cards offers 52 different prompts for creative prayer; different ways that we can fulfil the Methodist Way of Life commitment to “pray daily” as far as we are able, with God’s help.
The cards can be used by individuals or groups, at church events onsite and online, in homes, schools and care homes. Early feedback has included: “The teenagers liked them – thought the illustrations were cute/cool and it prompted some good discussion.” “As the focus of a prayer station, at the online Circuit Day of Prayer, I got the following comments: ‘Love the focus and simplicity of the cards’; ‘Wonderful, keeping me focused’.”
Available to download as a PowerPoint or PDF version for easy use in digital meetings and church services. Or, buy a print pack from Methodist
Finally, you may wish to snap up a copy of Praying with Hymns, which has been selling well since the resource was published last year.
The booklet is intended as a guide for those who want to use hymns as prayers. You might be preparing to lead worship at a church or event without music, or maybe you’ve been asked to lead prayers and are anxious about what to say. (Why not get a copy for the church vestry?) You might need help to find the right words in a pastoral situation. Or perhaps you’re someone who loves the poetry of the hymn book and wants to explore it further. Order as an A5 booklet from Methodist Publishing, price £3.50. Also available as a PDF download.
As you continue to journey through Lent towards the good news of Easter, please accept good wishes from everyone involved with StF. May you experience peace and resurrection joy.
Laurence Wareing @ stfplus@methodistchurch.org.uk