Newsletter 144 September 2022

Dear Friends
The last
month has been quite full of events which have impacted our society. In the
midst of it all, we’re adjusting to the leadership of a new Prime Minister, and
getting a sense of what the priorities of the new government might be. And
still, we are responding to the cost of living crisis, where our concern still remains
that millions of individuals and families are at risk of going without basic essentials this
winter due to rising costs.
I hope that
this month’s newsletter will bring some guidance on how we might continue to
respond together to the challenges to peace and justice present in our
neighbourhoods, nation and world.
Every blessing
Hannah & all the Joint Public Issues Team
Enough to Live – Responding to the mini-budget
Ahead of
Friday’s mini-budget, over 50 faith, charity, grassroots and trade-union
leaders wrote to the Prime Minister, urgently appealing for more cost of living
support for the poorest households to be released in Friday’s mini-budget. Click here to read the open letter.
the measures the Chancellor announced on Friday failed to address these
concerns. Instead, analysis reveals that they will have disproportionate
benefits for the richest households.
JPIT have
been leading a cross-sector coalition calling for urgent action to address the
gap in support for the lowest income households in our communities. Without
support, millions are at risk of a winter where they cannot heat their homes or
buy enough food. We believe that the government have a moral responsibility to
ensure everyone has #EnoughToLive. Find out more about the work we’re leading
Write to your MP: The Rwanda Plan
Net-Zero in my Neighbourhood
Did you
know that 85% of local councils have set a target year for reaching net-zero
emissions? The next step on the journey is to get them there!
inviting churches to be part of carrying their communities to net-zero, by
reaching out and working with their local council. Could this be something you
could do? Check out our toolkit to get started.
New season of Politics in the Pulpit
The new
season of Politics in the Pulpit is well under way! Our new host, Revd Lee Battle, is a URC minister, currently
serving in an ecumenical church in Cardiff.
Each week,
Lee will chat to a guest about how we bring together the lectionary readings
set for the coming Sunday with what’s going on in the world. They’ll ask how
reclaiming the justice issues present in the texts can help us to be good news
in the world today.
You can
listen to a new episode every Tuesday.
Refugee Small Grants Programme
Do you run
a Christian project helping refugees arriving in England from Ukraine and
Afghanistan? The Church Urban Fund has partnered with the Benefact Trust to
make small grants available, to support with:
- Providing basic needs, such as safe accommodation, clothing, food, mobile phones, baby care items, and hygiene items.
- Supporting refugees as they settled into life in England: UK life courses, befriending, English language classes, baby and toddler groups, welcome parties and drop-in sessions.
- Providing safe spaces and networks of support:
volunteer expenses, renting church halls, training and essential DBS checks.
between £500 and £5,000 are available.
Homeless Sunday takes place on 9 October. This year, the theme is ‘Homelessness and Mental Health Issues’. You can find resources for churches, including pre-recorded sermons, prayers, readings and blessings, on Housing Justice’s website.
To publicise an event or project, or to follow up on any of the issues mentioned here, contact us on